Writing Check In- January 2020

7 Jan

I’ve been wanting to dedicate more time to writing. My husband had the suggestion of making a monthly feature to talk about my writing and how it’s going. It helps keep me honest(ish) and lets you all know when my masterpiece will be released to the world!

A short but important update here. I’m so glad to say that I finally submitted my manuscript! I’m not going to say where, but I looked up this agency and followed them for quite a while before I decided to submit to them. They’ve had it for a few weeks but I know with the holiday that it might be a while before I’ll hear anything back. I have another agency picked out to submit to next and I’m just getting my submission requirements ready to send over to them. I hope to get this up to five soon and then wait for some responses before I decide what to do next.

My NaNo is sitting around, awaiting the time when it will get torn apart and edited. I think there needs to be a subplot that I’m not ready to put together and I’m still trying to find. The book moves really fast because the main plot is the only thing I was concentrating on when I wrote it and I realized it wasn’t enough when I finished the plotline before 50,000 words. I’ll keep thinking about my characters and more layers that could be added to them. I’m sure something else will come to me.

So it’s submissions and editing in my near future. Not overly exciting but I’m looking forward to doing some solid editing again and having more of a plan around it this time than I did for my 20s novel.

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at SamAStevensWriter@gmail.com. And as always, feel free to leave a comment!

10 Responses to “Writing Check In- January 2020”

  1. nanacathy2 January 7, 2020 at 12:29 PM #

    Good luck.xx


  2. lorrs33 January 7, 2020 at 3:32 PM #

    Good for you! I hope I can one day reach that stage 🙂


  3. MrsDMVH January 7, 2020 at 10:44 PM #

    How exciting!!! Best of luck!!


    • Sam January 8, 2020 at 11:00 AM #

      Thanks! I need to keep submitting. Happy reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Katie January 8, 2020 at 4:28 AM #

    Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this process with us, I think it’s a great idea for a monthly feature. I look forward to hearing more about how it goes!


    • Sam January 8, 2020 at 12:32 PM #

      Thank you! I love being held accountable to getting my writing done. Happy reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. whatcathyreadnext January 8, 2020 at 9:21 AM #

    Good luck with your submissions.


    • Sam January 8, 2020 at 12:35 PM #

      Thanks! It’s a long road but I’m ready. Happy reading!


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