Off Topic Thursdays: Running

31 May

It’s time for another Off-Topic Thursday! With the last two months being swimming and biking, I bet you’re not surprised that this month is running! I bet you can guess what next month will focus on. I’ll have to get creative at some point.

I never liked running. In high school, I was a swimmer because it meant you didn’t have to run. Well, it was minimized compared to other sports at least. I felt winded when I ran and it always felt uncomfortable. After I got married and settled into a desk job, I needed something to keep me moving so I started biking and realized that with the swimming I’d done since I was a child, I was 2/3 of the way to a triathlon. The final hurdle was running and I finally had the motivation to do it.

My running started small as my triathlon dreams were small (sprint distances end in a 5K). I was running 1-3 miles 3-5 times a week and feeling good about it. Then I fell. It wasn’t a bad fall and I’m not sure it caused my knee pain but it was there when I started running again at longer distances. I went through a round of physical therapy and came out the other side no better. It was time to try something new.

I found a virtual triathlon coach. He lives about 15 miles from me but we rarely see each other and he trained me for two years all via text and an app called TrainingPeaks. With this coach, I started doing strength exercises and building up my support muscles. Then I started running. I remember the joy of my first 4-mile run. The first year, I topped out at 7 miles in a run. The second year, he coached me to a half marathon.

Husband and I after the Detroit International Half Marathon.

My goal for next year is a Half Ironman Triathlon which ends in a half marathon so we’ve signed up for another one later this summer. I like to do a race per month and that’s involved a few 5Ks so far, mostly fun ones with friends but one race where I ran my PR. I’ve got a few 10Ks and a 5-mile race lined up through the rest of the year, too.

I’ve learned to really enjoy running and racing. I’ve learned that I don’t have to be super fast to still have fun, though it is great to place in your age group. There will always be people faster than me but there are usually people slower than me, too. I have fun right in the middle. I have a lot of friends in the same boat and we enjoy doing these events together. It’s also a great bonding moment for my husband and I. We run together at least twice a week and he always pushes me. I love and hate that.

I think I’ll scale back to 5Ks and 10Ks once I do my Half Ironman. I love this community and the support I’ve felt from it since I started running. One of my goals is to do an event in every county in Michigan’s lower peninsula. Fun little 5Ks will be a great way to accomplish this. I’ve filled in a few more since then, but I’m tracking on a map in my bedroom.

Even if you’re not a runner or have no aspiration to be 5K events are a great way to get out, be active, and enjoy the weather. I sometimes think the people walking with strollers and dogs are having much more fun than me. Even on a rainy day, you can still have a good run. I’m hoping to get out tomorrow for a good one myself.

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!

5 Responses to “Off Topic Thursdays: Running”

  1. Marnie May 31, 2018 at 11:23 AM #

    I always look up to people who run! I’ve done one 5k and keep meaning to do some more. I love, love, love your challenge to do a run in each county! I came across your blog from clicking through a WWW Wednesday post, and the way you have all your social media set up and connected is inspiring (I’m working on it but slowly, haha).


    • Sam May 31, 2018 at 12:05 PM #

      Wow, thank you! I’ve found the biggest motivation to keep working out is to sign up for races. Once I make a monetary commitment, I want to do well at it and not back out haha. Glad you found your way here. I hope you stick around. Happy reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Whimsically Meghan May 31, 2018 at 6:03 PM #

    Wow, you go girl! I wish I had the ambition to run. My brother and I used to run in the late evenings every other day, but once our schedules changed it stopped happening. I love that you run with your husband, you guys are so cute! What great motivation! I also love your goal! That is awesome and I hope you keep it up! 🙂
    I bought a bike last year and that has been my source of activity… I keep saying I’m going to get back into swimming, that just hasn’t happened yet!


    • Sam May 31, 2018 at 6:11 PM #

      I adore biking (I blogged about that last month). Running is the most exhausting for me to be sure. I’m a swimmer before anything else, I hope you get back to it soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Whimsically Meghan May 31, 2018 at 6:15 PM #

        Yes I remember reading about your biking adventures! It sounds like the most exhausting, but it’s still really awesome that you’re into it! Thanks, I hope so too!

        Liked by 1 person

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