Archive | August, 2020

WWW Wednesday, 5-August-2020

5 Aug

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived here on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at. No blog? No problem! Just leave a comment with your responses. Please, take some time to visit the other participants and see what others are reading. So, let’s get to it!IMG_1384-0

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Note: For users of Blogspot blogs, I’m unable to comment on your posts as a WordPress blogger unless you’ve enabled Name/URL comments. This is a known WordPress/Blogspot issue. Please consider enabling this to participate more fully in the community. 

Currently reading: I’m moving slowly through In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner. It’s not gripping me yet and I’m struggling with it. I keep hoping it picks up soon, but I’m running out of hope (and pages) for this to happen.
I’m enjoying the funny tone in Running with a Police Escort by Jill Grunenwald. During a time where I feel like I’ve lost a lot of joy in multisport, it’s nice to have this book which is reminding me why I do love it.
I began listening to Old Baggage by Lissa Evans on audio. I’m not a huge fan so far, but I’ll give it a chance. I’ve got to get through this one pretty quickly since my book club meets to talk about it on Monday!

Recently finished: I finished up Before the Devil Breaks You by Libba Bray on Saturday and absolutely loved it. I can’t wait to finish the series soon! Bray has created some really memorable characters in this one and I’ll be sad when they’re gone.

Reading Next: Nothing planned right now. It feels like I’m at the beginning of everything so we’ll see what the next week brings us.

Leave a comment with your link and comment (if you’re so inclined). Take a look at the other participant links in the comments and look at what others are reading.

Have any opinions on these choices?

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on GoodreadsFacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!

Some of the links on this post may be affiliate links. Taking on a World of Words is a participant in affiliate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to products. If you purchase a product or service through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but Sam will automatically receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Book Review: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel (4/5)

4 Aug

I gave my reading buddy a short list of books for this time around and from that she picked Mandel’s latest, The Glass Hotel. I’ve read two Mandel books before and had mixed feelings so I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this one. A friend of my husband gave this book a solid review so I figured I should go in open-minded.

Cover image via Amazon

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel

Other books by Mandel reviewed on this blog:
Station Eleven (and Book Club Reflection, and another Book Club Reflection, and meeting the author)
The Lola Quartet

Summary from Amazon:

Vincent is a bartender at the Hotel Caiette, a five-star lodging on the northernmost tip of Vancouver Island. On the night she meets Jonathan Alkaitis, a hooded figure scrawls a message on the lobby’s glass wall: “Why don’t you swallow broken glass.” High above Manhattan, a greater crime is committed: Alkaitis is running an international Ponzi scheme, moving imaginary sums of money through clients’ accounts. When the financial empire collapses, it obliterates countless fortunes and devastates lives. Vincent, who had been posing as Jonathan’s wife, walks away into the night. Years later, a victim of the fraud is hired to investigate a strange occurrence: a woman has seemingly vanished from the deck of a container ship between ports of call.

I liked 95% of this book. The ending was a bit much for me. I’ll get to that later. The majority of this book was lovely. I adored the characters. I cared about them. I understood how their lives interacted and what was important to them. It was lyrical in Mandel’s style. It incorporated her knowledge about art and her love of Canada in a great way. I liked how she drifted across time and space. And I was always curious about the Glass Hotel.

I felt the characters were real. Vincent came from a very upsetting background and her drifting through life seemed realistic to me. I thought Mandel went into the psychology of those involved in the Ponzi really well. Those chapters made me almost feel bad for the people involved until I remembered how much they ruined the lives of the investors. It helped me understand the complexities of white-collar crime and what Jonathan was involved in.

Vincent was my favorite character. She was a chameleon and I loved seeing the different parts of her life. We see her on her own, working as a bartender in her hometown, and then it seems like within seconds she’s been whisked away to a life of luxury that’s almost impossible to imagine. Seeing her return to suddenly to bartending and cooking was a bit shocking, but it made sense for her. I never doubted it for a second.

Oddly, Paul was the most relatable person in the story for me. I think it was his anxiety. I can’t say I’ve been in situations like he has, (stealing intellectual property, being indirectly responsible for a death), but his anxious responses resonated with me. He was constantly afraid of being ousted as a fraud, being blamed for something gone wrong. I constantly fight those fears. I understood how debilitating they can be.

Me and Mandel

Vincent’s time in New York was my favorite. I thought it was very interesting to hear how she blended into Jonathan’s world and how much of an imposter she felt like when she did it. What a strange place to find yourself plucked from nothing and thrust into such a different world. I can’t imagine a world where money is so expendable and where things are readily available in that way.

The ending of the book bothered me. I’m going to talk about it so skip this paragraph if you don’t want spoilers. I think I just didn’t get it. I’ll say that I don’t believe in ghosts or the supernatural so that might be why the ending wasn’t for me. I didn’t like that there was a spectral plane where the dead walked around, visiting each other and the living. I didn’t understand how Paul and Jonathan could be in tune with that plane and no one else. For me, it took a very solid, bound-to-reality book, and gave it an other-worldly feel right at the end and it threw me off.

I think the characters were always looking for somewhere they felt safe. For Vincent, I think it was Caiette which is why she returned there to bartend. Jonathan took her away and she didn’t feel safe again. Turning to the ocean was the closest she could come to her ocean-side home. Jonathan felt safe in money and he lied to keep himself surrounded by it. Paul never felt safe. Seeking that sense of safety drove the characters to do what they did, be it good or bad.

Writer’s Takeaway: In the Mandel books I’ve read, the characters are often seeking something they can’t describe. I think this makes for a very dream-like feeling to a book, where there’s something ephemeral, just out of reach. Mandel has a way of describing their search for that thing in a way that never feels lost; it’s always purposeful.

I enjoyed this book up until the very end. Four out of Five Stars.

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on GoodreadsFacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!

Some of the links on this post may be affiliate links. Taking on a World of Words is a participant in affiliate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to products. If you purchase a product or service through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but Sam will automatically receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Related Posts:
REVIEW: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel | Sam Still Reading
The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel | Big Reading Life
Book Review: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel | Hamlets & Hyperspace
The Glass Hotel | Necromancy Never Pays

Challenge Update, July 2020

3 Aug

With all the stress this month brought, I’m happy with what I have been able to read. We’re buying a house and a car has been in the shop all month which has taken away a lot of reading time. I could keep on like this for the rest of the year and still hit my goal. You can look at my progress at any time on my challenge page.

Books finished in July:

These Women // Ivy Pochoda (3/5)
How to Speak Midwestern // Edward McClelland (4/5)
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek // Kim Michele Richardson (3/5)
Chasing Water // Anthony Ervin and Constantine Markides (4/5)
The Glass Hotel // Emily St. John Mandel (4/5)

I’ll be caught up on reviews by tomorrow which I’m feeling pretty good about!

When Are You Reading? Challenge

Steady progress on this goal. I knocked one more off this month. The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson filled in the 1920-1939 time period. I’ll have to start taking a look at certain books to fill in the last two time periods. I have 1300-1499 and 1500-1699 left. Those are great time periods for some amazing historical fiction! If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Goodreads Challenge

Nine ahead again. I’m really happy with this and I hope I can keep this far ahead as my year gets a little crazier with moving. It feels pretty good to be ahead like this, though!

Cover image via Amazon

Book of the Month

It was a long time coming since my buddy and I read this one together, but I have to give this accolade to The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel. Mandel has a beautiful way of writing and I look forward to reading anything else she writes in the future.

Added to my TBR

I’ve dipped down again to 45. I think this might be about my equilibrium since I’ll start adding books again as I wear this list down. We’ll see what the next few months bring.

  • Splash! by Howard Means. My aunt knows Means and gave me a copy of this since she knows how much I love swimming and reading. It seems like a fun non-fiction read.
  • New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson. This was another free audiobook download from my library’s summer program. I can’t wait to dive into this stack!
  • Kindred by Octavia E. Butler. The last of the summer program books. I’ve heard really good things about this title.
  • The Narcissism of Small Differences by Michael Zadoorian. A late book-club pick that I’ll be starting soon for a discussion at the end of the month. We’ve read one title by this Detroit author already so I’m looking forward to seeing what else he’s got.

How are your challenges going so far? I hope you’re off to a good start. If you love historical fiction, give some thought to my challenge for this year, it’s fun!

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on GoodreadsFacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!

Some of the links on this post may be affiliate links. Taking on a World of Words is a participant in affiliate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to products. If you purchase a product or service through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but Sam will automatically receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated.