Archive | 10:52 AM

Off-Topic Thursday: Little Turtle

25 Feb

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. It feels like a good time to get back to it, though. Things have been a little crazy the last few months at work and with my personal life and it’s good to take a step back and share some good news with everyone.

My husband and I are thrilled to announce we’re welcoming a baby in early August! This is our first child and we’re very much looking forward to this. We told our parents at Christmas and started telling friends in late January and early February. Now the cat’s out of the bag.

We’re just starting to get the nursery ready. We had some friends help move some furniture around and my parents brought over the crib my dad made when I was a baby. My favorite reading chair is now going to be my favorite nursing chair. We’ll have to do some more shopping soon, but we’re just thrilled to be this far so quickly.

I’m in my second trimester and feeling a million times better than I did in December and January. I had bad nausea, digestion problems, and fatigue for three weeks that kept me very home-bound. I’ve started swimming again now and I’m almost back to eating spicy foods. My weirdest cravings have been fried chicken sandwiches. We’re not finding out the sex of the baby so we’re starting to think of names for whichever way this turns out.

I’m very lucky to have a number of close friends who have young babies or who are also pregnant that I’m sharing this with and learning from. One friend with a six-month-old has offered us use of some of her things if we don’t want to buy our own. We’ve had meaningful conversations with many people about cloth diapers. We’re really just excited and I have to say I’m also a bit anxious about the next five months.

So if I disappear for a bit in August, please forgive me. I’ll try to schedule some WWWs ahead in case I can’t get on here to post for a few weeks. I plan to keep the blog moving, though a few things might look a little different after the baby comes. I hope it loves books as much as I do.

Until next time, write on.

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