Tag Archives: Giveaway

The Tory Audiobook Media Blitz

9 Sep

Welcome to a rare second post here on the blog. I try not to do this, but this is a special circumstance.

I asked to be a part of the media blitz for The Tory by T.J. London because I used to be in a writing group with the author. I learned about it at the last minute but Caffeinated PR still gave me a slot and I’m very thankful. They were wonderful to work with when I had trouble with the audio file, too. I’ll be posting my review of this book tomorrow but know that I gave it Four out of Five stars and have already added the sequel to my TBR. I’ll share more tomorrow but please enjoy today. Scroll down for an audio sample and to enter a giveaway for a signed copy of the prequel, an audiobook cover signed by the authors, and a themed face mask!


THE TORY written by T. J. London and narrated by Shane East, Tara Langella, Marnye Young and Patrick Zeller is now available for audio everywhere! Listen to a sample and enter to win The Tory Prize package.

The first in The Rebels and Redcoats Saga this historical tale has suspense, war, romance and more.

The Tory

His King or His Conscience…which will he choose?

It is the winter of 1776, and Captain John Carlisle, one of His Majesty’s not-so-finest, has gone back to the scene of the crime to right a wrong so dark it left a permanent stain on what was once an illustrious career and left a man broken, defeated, in search of justice…

In an effort to win back his commission, he must discover the true nature of the relationship between the Six Nations of the Iroquois and the Colonial Army. Undercover as a war profiteer, John travels to the treacherous Mohawk River Valley and infiltrates local society, making friends with those he’s come to betray. But a chance meeting with a beautiful half Oneida innkeeper, whose tragic history is integrally linked to his own, will provide him with the intelligence he needs to complete his mission—and devastate her people.

Now, as the flames of war threaten to consume the Mohawk Valley, John has the chance to not only serve King and country, but to clear his name. When the truth he uncovers ties his own secrets to those in the highest positions of the British military and threatens the very life of the woman he’s come to love, he will be forced to make a choice…

Audible US | Audible UK

About the Author

T.J. London is a rebel, liberal, lover, fighter, diehard punk, and pharmacist-turned-author who loves history. As an author her goal is to fill in the gaps, writing stories about missing history, those little places that are so interesting yet sadly forgotten. Her favorite time periods to write in are first and foremost the American Revolutionary War, the French Revolution, the French and Indian War, the Russian Revolution and the Victorian Era. Her passions are traveling, writing, reading, barre, and sharing a glass of wine with her friends, while she collects experiences in this drama called life. She is a native of Metropolitan Detroit (but secretly dreams of being a Londoner) and resides there with her husband Fred and her beloved cat and writing partner Mickey.

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One US winner will receive a signed copy of Man of War, an autographed and framed audiobook cover of The Tory signed by narrators, and a fan face mask. Ends September 17, 2020.

Link to Rafflecopter Giveaway

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