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NaNoWriMo: My Day 13

29 Nov

I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Done done done! I went to a Write-In today, unfortunately my first one this month, but it pushed me over the edge. I needed to do one hour and fifteen minutes of work and I managed just that before my battery (again) died. I think there’s something with a Windows 10 download that’s eating into my battery life. I’m not a fan.

I got to page 63 (from the second draft, a total of 119 pages). Yes, I’ll concede that this is only 13 pages further than I was three days ago BUT I’ve added one big scene and I’m in the middle of adding another! I love actually writing as opposed to editing and word-smithing a bit.

I’m at 52891 words (from 52962 in D2) which shows you all my progress! I’m almost back to where the original manuscript was and I’ve got a lot of things to add and parts to change based on what I’m adding. It’s a whole bunch of editing that I’m super excited about!

Really, this is my ‘winning’ post. I averaged at least 30 minutes every day. I hope to keep working on it for a while longer, powering through to the end with this round of edits. I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I’ve got another writers’ retreat coming up that will give me some time but for now, I want to catch up on my blog posts: you all are my most loyal fans right now.

Until next time, write on.

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