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Happy 6th Birthday to Taking on a World of Words!

19 Sep

This is actually a bit delayed because I’ve been reading so much and had so many book posts lined up, but I’ve hit six years of blogging! This has almost outlasted my longest tenure at a job. It’s just younger than my marriage. This blog has been a consistent part of my life for years and I love it so much.

One of my rituals on my blogoversary is to think what my blog would be able to do if it were a child. My mother might prefer it another way, but this is what I’ve got.

  • Realize the effects of decisions
  • Recognize the feelings of others
  • Learning to share
  • Start to understand puns
  • Focus for fifteen minutes

It’s off to first grade for my little blog! I hope she makes good friends.

Yet again, here are some numbers to show my blog’s growth over the past year. Numbers are taken from 14-Sep, nine days after my blogoversary. It came on so fast I didn’t have time to celebrate right away.

It’s crazy to me how much my most popular pages are affected by movies and tv shows. I’m honored that my feelings on Bird Box became more read after the Netflix movie, but I hope those people read the books! I think WWW Wednesday is having a stronger pull over my blog and I’m really excited by that. The idea that the community has taken over and is making itself heard and connecting with each other makes me really happy. I still think I’m being plagiarized for high school essays…

Thank you all so much for reading along with my reading adventures. I love sharing a love of books with you all. You make finishing a book even more exciting!

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!