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Challenge Update, June 2015

2 Jul

I’m overly confident of my reading speed at this point in the year. I’m kicking books to the ‘Read’ shelf as fast as I can. And that’s pretty darn fast. You can look at my progress at any time on my challenge page.

Books finished in June:

La Sombra del Viento//Carlos Ruiz Zafon (4)
On the Okey Dokey Trail//I. Leigh Private (3)
A Game of Thrones//George R.R. Martin (4)
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore//Robin Sloan (5)
Wuthering Bites//Sarah Gray (3)

Reviews for the final ones are forthcoming. My posts at this point are planned out very far ahead because I’ve had so much to say!

When Are You Reading? Challenge

This is my challenge to read a book from 13 different time periods. You can read about it here. My timeline will track all of my books and show which time period they fall into. Wuthering Bites filled in the 1700s for me (yay) so there’s progress! I’ve got plans for the rest of the time periods (yay planning). I’ll fill them in between book club reads and I should be fine finishing by the end of the year.

Goodreads Challenge


Three books ahead! I’m doing great and with the half-way point of the year past, I feel confident. Plus, I already finished my Spanish book for the year so I’m hoping my pace picks up. Let’s do this!

Book of the Month

I thought it would be fun to pick my favorite book for each month reading and feature it. For June, it has to be Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan. It was a great read and I really recommend it to everyone!

Added to my TBR

I’ve stopped posting about books I add but I thought it would be fun to wrap these up once a month and talk about them.What a perfect time! I realize this list gets longer faster than I read so we can see the perpetual problem I have.  All links lead to Goodreads.

How are your challenges going? I hope you’re doing better than me! If you love historical fiction, give some thought to my challenge, it’s fun!

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on GoodreadsFacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!