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My 2017 Reading Challenges

9 Jan

2017 is going to be a big year for me! In addition to reading, I have a few other goals I’m going to reach for. These including getting through 3 more semesters of grad school and keeping my 4.0 GPA, continuing to knit blankets for my relatives and friends as they welcome babies into the world, running/racing in one event each month (triathlons, running, and open water swimming (new to me)), and getting my novel out to some generous friends who agreed to beta read for me. Whew! I think I can squeeze in a few reading challenges, don’t you?

Challenge #1: When Are You Reading?

Maybe this is unfair because I host this challenge so, of course, I’m going to participate! The challenge is to read books that fit into each of 12 time periods. The book can be written during or take place in the time periods. It’s my fourth year doing this challenge and I’m pumped. Let me know if you want to join in!

Challenge #2: Goodreads Challenge of 50 Books

I lowered my goal last year to 45 books. I wasn’t sure if my shorter commute would hinder my reading (only a bit) and I wanted to tackle some long books (I did). This year, I’m going back up to 50. I managed 52 in 2016 and I think I can do it again for 2017. Besides, with my running goals, I’ll be listening to a lot of audiobooks this coming year.

How about you? What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you doing any challenges?

Until next time, write on.

You can follow me on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. I’m available via email at And as always, feel free to leave a comment!