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NaNoWriMo: Day 11 (2019)

11 Nov

I’m taking this whole thing one day at a time. I wish I was looking ahead more, but it’s not looking good.

Today’s word count: 2 090
Total word count: 18,773

I got done what I needed to for the day, but I didn’t get ahead as I would have liked to. I’m just not feeling very motivated to get further ahead than the day requires to keep me on pace. I keep thinking an exciting scene will push me ahead, but it’s not doing it.

I’m still nervous about finishing the story before 50k. I think I’m rushing ahead too fast. I’m sure there are scenes that belong in the book that I’m missing but I don’t know what they are right now so they’re going to stay hidden. That’s what editing is for.

Tomorrow is going to be hard. I have a workout before work, I’m working late, and I have a meeting right after work. I doubt I get any writing done tomorrow. Maybe a few hundred words, but I’ll be behind by the end of tomorrow. I’m trying to be optimistic but it isn’t going well.

Until next time, write on.

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