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NaNoWriMo: My Day 4 2016

13 Nov

My first write-in! I made such good progress today.

Today’s writing time (30 goal): 100
This Week’s writing time (210 goal): 100
Total time for the month (630 goal): 205

I spent about two hours at the write-in and spent a good amount of it actually writing. Actually, I’m two pages from the end of going through my book! I think I’ll go through it once more this month so I have a complete and consistent go through this month. There are some targeted edits I want to make (dialogue consistency for example) and I have an editing book that I want to use to start going through it, too. I’ll have to get that book out and start working through it!

I’m really excited about this progress. I know a lot of my speed was how excited I was to read about the end. I’m purposefully not finishing it today so I have a reason to break it all out tomorrow!

Until next time, write on.

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